Sunday, May 31, 2009

The First Day - San Francisco to Santa Cruz

Orientation day was quick and is SF to Santa Cruz! There was soooo many people at Opening Ceremonies, it was beautiful. The Positive Pedalers (all HIV positive riders) walked in unison with the "riderless" bike.....a bike that should have a rider, but that rider is no longer with us. It was awesome, and made lots of eyes leak. Then we stretched!! Heard some speeches and filtered out to our bikes. We were off, it was foggy, and people were cheering........what a way to start a Sunday morning. Somewhere around Daly City I (Doug) got my first of 3 flats. For some reason I was frantic to fix it and get riding, it's not a race, there is no hurry, but that first day is so exciting, you just want to ride! The other thing we quickly noticed about this 87 mile day is Hills, Hills, Mountains, and Hills.......Fixed gear is fun for climbing, but not so much for the decent. We stopped at every rest stop (always 4 per day, plus lunch and dinner) and really took in the beauty of highway 1. Danny got himself a Tic (thought he was having a leg cramp until we saw a hole and some little legs coming out) but medical took care of that at lunch. We arrived in Santa Cruz to cheering and much needed showers..........and the first of many GREAT dinners! They fed us VERY well.

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