Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Amgen Tour and I got in Lance's way!

We were hanging out on a blocked off street before the time trials were going to happen. I was being a dork and doing track stands (basically balancing in place) with a friend in the middle of the street.........I looked behind me and realized a car had stopped just 2 feet of hitting me because I was in the middle of the road..........I rode away and watched the car pass.......15 feet later it stopped and some dude gets out and starts walking towards the team area........tons of reporters start running up and yelling "lance" questions...........So I almost got hit by, and totally was in the way of Lance Armstrong on the way to the time trials.........I know, it's a silly story, but fun!

Not much new to report, I rode in the wind and rain to work today..........ughhh, not fun, but still feels good to pedal!


Unknown said...

I'll sell you his bike which I stole and converted to a single speed. It comes with a free pair of manpris!

Unknown said...

and a pet gremlin.

Doug V said...

I trade you the other 3 bikes which I stole and then put aerospokes on and converted to cyclecross fixies that I'll be using for underground bike polo matches but on by underweight hipsters.....