Sunday, December 7, 2008


Sundays are the hardest days for me to ride. I usually take this day to catch up on all the stuff I need to get done for the previous week or get ready for the next.
I did find some time to paint my lugs a bit. I started a few weeks ago with a nice gold paint I picked up from a local hobby store. Cheap and high quality paints made by Testors. I also bought some black paint because I thought it would be a good idea to outline my lugs to help them stand out even more. That was not such a good idea, I found out half way through my project. It actually cheapened the look I was going for instead of making it stand out. DAMMMMMIT! How am I going to fix it?
I couldn't figure out a way, so I decided to hang it back up on the celing in next to my fireplace and Christmas stockings. Maybe It will be fixed when I wake up in the morning? HAHAHAHA!
Anyway, I am going to take some pictures of my lugs once I can bring myself to.


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