Thursday, December 11, 2008

Why does there have to be a "scene"

I have always wondered why there is such a need for a "scene" to exist in any genre, sport, or other various form of "different from the norm" activity. Invariably it only leads to elitism from folks who want to be one of the first. And what are they claiming to be first at?? Something that they end up slamming because it sold really what you end up with is someone who wants to say they were to first to fix the gears on their bike and now it's lame because so many people are doing it..........that doesn't make sense, is someone riding a fixed gear bike any different today because they bought it pre-assembled from a bike shop having less fun than someone who borrowed his friends welding torch to cease a cog to a wheel? It happens in music, skateboarding, snowboarding, and just about anything else that someone considers hip............I started riding fixed geared bikes only 6 months ago and I am having as much fun as anyone else no matter what time.........So I guess what I'm saying is I was one of the first to have fun riding, but it'll sell out soon and I'll think everyone having fun is so yesterday and lame............



The Goot said...

You ain't having fun, you're just posing.

Doug V said...

I'm posing seductively for you my friend, it's a good pose too!!

Unknown said...

Why does there have to be a "scene?" Because humans are attracted to like minded individuals. Hence, the error of "group think" is committed more often than not.

Team Lugged Nutz said...

I agree Jacob, I just find the folks who need to be given some sort of praise for being there first funny......