Monday, December 8, 2008

Weekends Over, Monday begins!

Doug here, finally getting to posting......

The weekend although fun, did not turn out the way I thought it would.............don't you love that? I actually do, it's nice for life to throw curve balls so we don't just keep swinging and we actually watch the ball. I spent the last few days of last week looking forward to a long ride on Saturday (we were going to do a 60 mile ride). My wife Gillian expressed interest in doing the first 10 miles or so with us. So we woke up and got ready.........we walked out the door and realized it was friggen fact we got about 3 blocks before it was time to turn around and get my wife's sun glasses (to many tears from cold wind) and another layer for her...........ughh, now we're late..............oh well, no real hurry anyways.............So we meet Danny at Pete's coffee have a cup (I already had two at home) and took off for the trail..............It was pea soup out there........fog, drizzle, cold (ok, it is California so it was 41 degrees, not sub zero, but cold nontheless) and it started to become evident that my wife wouldn't make the first 10 miles........we rode her off the trail and decided to make a pit stop at Danny's house..................I went to the bathroom and when I came out this is where the curve ball came........Danny says, I'm hungry, let's get off we went to Cafe Bernardo's for some good grub and another cup of coffee. And after a bathroom break again (come on, lots of coffee) I come out to Danny saying, hey, let's just ride over to Tupelo coffee shop and work on our Aids Lifecycle page and start a blog too! ...........ok, so I see that my 60 mile ride has become a 10 mile ride, but with a good curve ball is pitched, doug swings, and out of the park it goes!! Saturday was a blast!! We got most of our site done, set up this blog, and my Wife and I were able to buy the kids main christmas presents to boot..............Oh and that night my band played at the Fox and Goose and had a blast.............Sunday was uneventful like Sunday's usually are, so I'll not go into details there.


Unknown said...

You guys are such effin jocks. I'll be wauting in bakersfield to throw water on u.

Unknown said...

that's right... wauting.